Well, last weekend was my birthday. So, I decided to take a little break from sewing and blogging! I finally got outside and did some planting. Yup! Spring is finally here, so I springified our front porch. P5030051-1I know some of you are thinking…”what??? you put a quilt out on the front porch???”  Yes, I did! I made it for this purpose. I thought it would be lovely, I used scraps from another project and I stapled it to the wall. My reasons(for stapling it)  were…1)I did not want it to blow down or tear in the wind. 2)If I hung a bar, birds would surely perch on it and poop on my quilt.

See…its not so bad! and the staples are tiny…and its a covered shady porch! It’ll be fine! and I love it!


I Love Lilly of the Valley


and my Iris!


the Azaleas are gorgeous...let's hope I don't kill them this year!

I filled as many pots as I could and then put the rest into flower beds! Next week will be our little garden boxes…tomatoes and green beans! Yeah!

and my mama brought me the most adorable little fabric bag…FILLED with sewing goodness! I am in heaven…thanks mom!P5030049Isn’t the ric rac to die for? This was perfect!